Manitoba Hydro Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) Review of Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan
Independent Expert Consultants
Elenchus Research Associates Inc.
For over three decades Elenchus has been building its reputation as the leading Canadian consulting firm specializing in economic regulation. For the past 15 years the firm has been steadily repatriating work to Canada by providing one-stop shopping on regulatory issues for electricity and natural gas utilities across Canada. By specializing in the Canadian regulatory environment, Elenchus has leveraged its strength in tailoring international best practices to the uniquely Canadian regulatory environment. In the process the Elenchus team has grown to include over 20 consultants, most of whom have come to Elenchus with decades of experience with regulators and/or major regulated utilities. The expertise of the team includes cost allocation, rate design, load forecasting, econometrics, systems modelling, capital plans, DSM, integrated resource planning, general operating issues, finance and accounting, facilitation, application preparation, witness training, stakeholder relations and communications.
Elenchus is providing independent expertise on Load Forecasting and Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency.
Knight Piésold
Knight Piésold is an employee-owned company, comprised of consulting engineers, scientists, and technicians, who provide engineering and environmental services. Founded in South Africa in 1921, Knight Piésold employs more than 850 staff in 30 offices located in 15 countries. Although each of these offices is integrated with Knight Piésold's global network, the company is committed to having a local presence. As such, each office is set up as a local operating company that is run by local management, providing local employment and training. Knight Piésold has two Canadian offices with a combined staff of over 200, one in Vancouver and the other in North Bay, Ontario. The consultants hired to work on this engaged are based out of the Vancouver office.
Knight Piésold provides engineering and environmental services to the power, water resources, transportation, and construction sectors, among others. Knight Piésold has vast experience with hydropower projects. Their accumulated experience covers a wide variety of designs, including installed capacities from 750 kW to 3,000 MW; surface and underground powerhouses; reservoirs; pumped storage; and run-of-river projects; and heads from 3 m to over 750 m.
Knight Piésold is providing independent expertise on Construction Management and Capital Costs.
La Capra
La Capra Associates is an employee-owned consulting firm which has specialized in the electric and natural gas industries for over 30 years. La Capra Associates is a full-service, independent energy consulting firm focused on helping its clients make sound policy, planning, investment, pricing, and procurement decisions. La Capra Associates' expertise includes power resources planning, market policy and analysis (wholesale, retail, and renewable), power procurement, economic/financial analysis of energy assets and contracts, and regulatory policy. The La Capra Associates' 20-person team serves clients across the US and Canada from its three New England offices located in Boston, Massachusetts, Portland, Maine and Williston, Vermont.
La Capra Associates has also engaged the services of EnerNex ( to provide support for its work on alternative resource assessments. EnerNex is a consulting services firm based in Knoxville, Kentucky providing power systems analysis, control, integration and technologies expertise with experience in wind energy systems and wind integration assessments.
La Capra is providing independent expertise on Power Resource Planning and Economic Evaluation, Business Case and Risk Assessment, Transmission Economics, Review of Manitoba Hydro's Export Contracts, Financial Modelling, and Alternative Scenarios.
Morrison Park Advisors
MPA Morrison Park Advisors Inc. is an independent, partner-owned, Canadian investment bank. They provide a wide range of financial and strategic advisory services to clients in the corporate, government and broader public sectors.
One of their areas of specialty is energy and infrastructure, and they have assisted a wide variety of clients to pursue M&A and investment opportunities in the sector, to consider strategic business alternatives, and to independently examine and analyze the value of proposed transactions. Combined, their partners have many decades of experience evaluating, structuring and closing transactions that involve electricity assets.
In particular, MPA has significant experience providing expert advice to public sector entities regarding the construction of large, multibillion dollar electricity generation and transmission projects.
MPA is providing independent expertise in the Commercial Evaluation of Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan.
MNP complements its consulting expertise with a deep knowledge of the issues and drivers within the electricity sector in Canada. Our Energy and Utilities practice focuses its effort within the electric utility environment and the challenges presented by stringent regulation, evolving emissions standards, aging infrastructure and escalating input costs.
MNP's Energy and Utilities practice and our experts qualified in Valuations and Economic/Statistical Analysis are uniquely positioned to support the Board with regulatory, operational, and market-based expertise in the energy sector. The proposed MNP expert consultants, and key support staff collectively, have focused the majority of their careers within the energy and utilities and resource development sectors, and their specific regulatory experience is supported by the team's strong operational experience in the utilities environment. They have been employees of utilities, consultants to utilities and regulators, and trusted professional services advisors to MNP clients.
The proposed expert consultants' current and recent clients include large generators, transmission/ distribution utilities, agencies/regulators and government clients at all levels. Examples include the Ontario Energy Board, the Ontario Power Authority, the Independent Electric System Operator, the Alberta Utilities Commission, the National Energy Board, BC Hydro, FortisBC, Pacific Gas & 6 Electric, ENMAX, EPCOR, Capital Power, TransAlta, TransCanada, AltaLink, SNC-Lavalin T&D, Kinder Morgan Canada, SaskPower, SaskEnergy, Duke Energy, Enbridge Gas Distribution and numerous Ontario Local Distribution Companies.
MNP is providing the independent expertise on Macro Environmental Issues.
Potomac Economics
Potomac Economics is a leading provider of independent market monitoring, expert analysis and advice, and litigation support services to the electricity and natural gas industries. Potomac Economics has extensive experience in the areas of wholesale electricity market design and operation, regulatory policy, generation and transmission investment and procurement.
Potomac Economics currently serves as the Independent Market Monitor (IMM) for ERCOT, Midwest ISO (MISO), New York ISO (NYISO), and ISO-New England. In these capacities, Potomac Economics is responsible for evaluating the competitive performance of the markets, identifying flaws in the market design and potential improvements, and detecting attempts to exercise market power or engage in market manipulation. Having monitored, evaluated, and analyzed the MISO electricity markets since their inception, including Manitoba Hydro's participation in the MISO market.
Potomac Economics is providing independent expertise for the MISO marketplace.
Power Engineers
POWER is a global employee-owned consulting engineering firm formed in 1976 with three employees. Today, the company employs more than 1,800 staff nationwide and overseas. POWER's main headquarters are located in Hailey, Idaho with more than 20 offices throughout the United States and Canada. For the past four decades, POWER Engineers has focused on power delivery engineering, with project ranging from distribution voltage levels of 4 kV+ through extra high voltage lines and substations of 500 kV+. In addition, POWER has submitted expert witness testimony for a variety of projects. POWER has significant experience working in Canada, and is familiar with Manitoba Hydro's power system.
Power Engineers is providing independent expertise in Transmission Line Construction and Management.
TyPlan provides strategies and solutions for clients dealing with complex land use and resource management issues. TyPlan's approach is to balance an organization's business objectives and a community's economic development and sustainability goals. Their goal is to provide innovative solutions that create value and promote sustainable development. Applied to client issues it has resulted in innovative solutions that create value and promote sustainable developme
Typlan is providing independent expertise on the Socio Economic aspects of the project.