Manitoba Hydro - Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) Review of Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan
The Manitoba Public Utilities Board has been charged with the task of completing The Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) review of Manitoba Hydro's proposed preferred development plan.
Manitoba Hydro is seeking government approval for its proposed Preferred Development Plan, which requires the following commitments in June 2014:
start construction of the Keeyask Generating Station (G.S.) for a 2019 in-service date (ISD)
proceed with a 250 MW export agreement with Minnesota Power (MP)
proceed with a 100 MW export agreement with Wisconsin Public Service (WPS)
proceed with a 750 MW U.S. transmission interconnection
proceed with a 300 MW export agreement with WPS subject to satisfactory conclusion of negotiations currently still underway.
In addition, the plan would include Conawapa G.S., 1,485 MW, with an earliest ISD of 2026, 23 although decisions on whether to construct Conawapa and its timing are not required now and 24 would be made over the next few years.
In light of a demonstrated need for new Manitoba power supply by around 2023, Manitoba Hydro has formulated a proposed Preferred Development Plan. This plan and alternatives to it are being assessed through Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) review under the auspices of the Manitoba Public Utilities Board (PUB). The PUB panel is to provide a report with recommendations to the Minister responsible for the administration of The Public Utilities Board Act by no later than June 20, 2014.
In addition to the NFAT review and government approval process, generation and transmission projects included in the development plan are subject to other regulatory processes at federal and provincial levels, including comprehensive environmental impact assessments. Matters included in those reviews are not addressed in this NFAT submission.
The Board's Report on the Needs For and Alternatives To (NFAT) Review of Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan dated June 20, 2014 is available on this link.