Board # | Date (y/m/d) | Description |
212/02 | 2002/12/09 | The Rural Municipality Of Montcalm St. Joseph Utility Initial Water Rates By-Law No. 613/02 |
211/02 | 2002/12/09 | The Rural Municipality Of Rockwood Village Of Stony Mountain Application For Approval Of Revised Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 32/02 |
210/02 | 2002/12/09 | The Town Of Niverville Fifth Avenue Estates Subdivision Initial Water Rates By-Law No. 581-02 |
209/02 | 2002/12/03 | The Town Of Plum Coulee Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
192/02 | 2002/11/05 | The City Of Portage La Prairie Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 02-8157 |
185/02 | 2002/10/17 | The Rural Municipality Of Grey Regional Water System Initial Interim Water Rates By-Law No. 6/02 |
179/02 | 2002/10/09 | The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District Of Ile-Des-Chenes Application For Approval Of Initial Water Rates By-Law No. 8-2002 |
173/02 | 2002/10/01 | The Rural Municipality Of Lorne Local Urban District Of Mariapolis Sewer Rates By-Law No. 1660 |
168/02 | 2002/09/18 | The Rural Municipality Of Siglunes Local Urban District No. 1 (Ashern) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2000 |
166/02 | 202/09/13 | The Town Of Rivers Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 6 Of 2002 |
164/02 | 2002/09/04 | The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District No. 3 (Ile Des Chenes) Sewer Utility Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2002 |
163/02 | 2002/09/04 | Town Of Minnedosa Water And Sewer Utility Revised Revenue Deficit 2001 |
160/02 | 2002/09/04 | The Town Of Manitou Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
152/02 | 2002/08/09 | The Rural Municipality Of East St. Paul Water Rates By-Law No. 2002-11 |
139/02 | 2002/08/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District Of St. Adolphe Initial Water Rates By-Law No. 7-2002 |
131/02 | 2002/07/23 | The Town Of Winnipeg Beach Local Improvement District Nos. 1, 2 And 3 Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 06/2002 |
129/02 | 2002/07/15 | The Town Of Grandview Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 6-2002 |
126/02 | 2002/07/02 | The Rural Municipality Of Rockwood Village Of Stony Mountain Water And Sewer Utility Revised Revenue Deficit 2001 |
115/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Gimli Industrial Park Utility Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
114/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Village Of Elkhorn Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
113/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Gimli Pelican Beach Utility Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
112/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Rhineland Gnadenfeld Neubergthal Sommerfeld Water System Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
111/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Rhineland Village Of Old Altona Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
110/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Hanover Local Improvement District No. 3 (Blumenort) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
109/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Rhineland South West Water System Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
108/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Town Of Winnipeg Beach Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
107/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Riverside Local Improvement District No. 1 (Ninette) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
106/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Riverside Local Improvement District No. 1 (Dunrea) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
105/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Town Of Boissevain Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
104/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Village Of Waskada Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
103/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Glenella Unincorporated Village District Of Glenella Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
102/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Strathclair Local Improvement District No. 1 (Strathclair) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
101/02 | 2002/06/06 | The Rural Municipality Of Hanover Local Improvement District No. 5 (New Bothwell) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
087/02 | 2002/05/27 | The Rural Municipality Of Ste. Rose Local Improvement District No. 1 (Laurier) Water Rates By-Law No. 12-02 |
086/02 | 2002/05/27 | The Rural Municipality Of Edward Local Improvement District No. 1 (Pierson) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 1/2002 |
082/02 | 2002/05/13 | The Village Of Notre-Dame-De-Lourdes Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 022/02 |
078/02 | 2002/05/02 | The Town Of The Pas Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 4319 |
076/02 | 2002/04/30 | The Town Of Shoal Lake Water And Sewer Utility Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2002 |
075/02 | 200/04/30 | The Rural Municipality Of East St. Paul Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
070/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Rural Municipality Of Archie Local Improvement District No. 1 (McAuley) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
069/02 | 2002/04/10 | The City Of Portage La Prairie Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
068/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Rural Municipality Of Lorne Local Improvement District No. 8 (Mariapolis) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
067/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Rural Municipality Of Ste. Rose Local Improvement District No. 1 (Laurier) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
066/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Rural Municipality Of Strathcona Local Improvement District No. 1 (Belmont) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
065/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Town Of Minnedosa Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
064/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Town Of Killarney Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
063/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Town Of Leaf Rapids Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
062/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Rural Municipality Of Woodlands Local Improvement District No. 3 (Village of Woodlands) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
061/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Town Of Grandview Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
060/02 | 2002/04/10 | The Town Of Russell Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
050/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Town Of Rivers Water And Sewer Utility Revised Revenue Deficit 2001 |
048/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Town Of The Pas Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
047/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of South Norfolk Local Urban District No. 1 (Rathwell) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
046/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Portage La Prairie Local Improvement District No. 1 (Oakville) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
045/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of De Salaberry Local Improvement District No. 2 (St. Malo) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
043/02 | 2002/03/13 | The Rural Municipality Of De Salaberry Local Improvement District No. 2 (St. Malo) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2151 |
041/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Edward Local Improvement District No. 1 (Pierson) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
040/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Edward Unincorporated Village District Of Lyleton Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
039/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Rockwood Village Of Stony Mountain Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
038/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Harrison Local Improvement District No. 2 (Sandy Lake) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
037/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Village Of Treherne Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
036/02 | 2002/03/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Woodworth Local Improvement District No. 1 (Kenton) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
034/02 | 2002/03/04 | The Rural Municipality Of Riverside Local Improvement District No. 1 (Dunrea) Water Rates By-Law No. 3 of 2001 |
033/02 | 2002/03/11 | The Town Of Russell Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 1410/11/01 |
027/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elgin) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
026/02 | 2002/02/05 | The City Of Flin Flon Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
025/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Shellmouth-Boulton Local Improvement District No. 1 (Inglis) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
024/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Miniota Local Improvement District No. 1 (Miniota) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
023/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Town Of Morden Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
022/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Town Of Rivers Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
021/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Franklin Local Improvement District No. 2 (LUD of Dominion City) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
020/02 | 2002/02/05 | The Rural Municipality Of Thompson Local Improvement District No. 1 (Miami) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
018/02 | 2002/02/04 | The Town Of Morden Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 10-01 |
016/02 | 2002/02/01 | The Village Of Wawanesa Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 473 |
010/02 | 2002/01/21 | The Rural Municipality Of Franklin Local Improvement District No. 2 (LUD OF Dominion City) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 16-01 |