Board # |
Date (y/m/d) |
Description |
183/03 |
2003/12/22 |
The Town Of Minnedosa Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2446 |
182/03 |
2003/12/17 |
The Town of Teulon Sewer Rates By-Law No. #6/03 |
180/03 |
2003/12/16 |
The Rural Municipality Of Rockwood Community Of Balmoral Initial Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 15/2003 |
178/03 |
2003/12/11 |
The City Of Brandon Water And Wastewater Rates By-Law No. 6753 |
166/03 |
2003/11/04 |
The Rural Municipality Of Archie Local Improvement District No. 1 (McAuley) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
164/03 |
2003/11/03 |
The Village Of Binscarth Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 550-03 |
151/03 |
2003/10/24 |
The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District No. 3 (Ile Des Chenes) Sewer Rates By-Law No. 18-2003 |
150/03 |
2003/10/24 |
The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District No. 1 (St. Adolphe) Sewer Rates By-Law No. 19-2003 |
136/03 |
2003/09/10 |
Village of St. Claude Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 370/03 |
134/03 |
2003/09/02 |
The Rural Municipality Of Rhineland Local Improvement District No. 3 (Rosenfeld) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
133/03 |
2003/09/02 |
The Rural Municipality Of Rhineland Village Of Old Altona Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
132/03 |
2003/09/02 |
The Town Of Minitonas Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
128/03 |
2003/08/25 |
The Rural Municipality Of Hanover Local Improvement District No. 2 (Kleefeld) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2080 |
123/03 |
2003/07/30 |
The Town Of Erickson Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
113/03 |
2003/06/30 |
The Town Of Boissevain Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2003-04 |
112/03 |
2003/07/02 |
The Town Of Melita Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
108/03 |
2003/06/30 |
The Town Of Treherne Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 835/03 |
106/03 |
2003/06/20 |
The Rural Municipality Of Grandview Water Rates By-Law No. 7/2003 |
104/03 |
2003/06/13 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elgin) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2003-1 |
102/03 |
2003/06/09 |
The Rural Municipality Of Roland Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 4-2003 |
101/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Minto) Water And Sewer Utility Revised Revenue Deficit 2002 |
100/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Town Of Swan River Water And Sewer Utility By-Law No. 9/2003 |
098/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Town Of Boissevain Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 Amendment To Board Order No. 105/02 |
097/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Town Of Gretna Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
096/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elgin) Water And Sewer Utility Revised Revenue Deficit 2002 |
095/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The City Of Brandon Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
094/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Rural Municipality Of Shellmouth-Boulton Local Improvement District No. 1 (Inglis) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
093/03 |
2003/06/04 |
The Town Of Leaf Rapids Water And Sewer Utility Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2003 |
086/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Town Of Winnipeg Beach Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
085/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Town Of Russell Water And Sewer Utility Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2003 |
084/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Village Of Saint Claude Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
083/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elgin) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
082/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Town Of Churchill Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
081/03 |
2003/05/13 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitewater Local Improvement District No. 1 (Minto) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
066/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality of Silver Creek Local Improvement District No. 1 (Angusville) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
065/03 |
2003/04/07 |
The Rural Municipality Of Hanover Local Improvement District No. 3 (Blumenort) Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2071 |
062/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality of Siglunes Local Urban District No. 1 (Ashern) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
061/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality of Siglunes Local Urban District No. 1 (Ashern) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2001 |
060/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Town Of Minnedosa Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
059/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality Of Grey Regional Water System Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
058/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality Of Grey Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elm Creek) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
057/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality Of Hanover Local Improvement District No. 3 (Blumenort) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
056/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Rural Municipality Of Strathclair Local Improvement District No. 1 (Strathclair) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
054/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Town Of Killarney Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. #2-2003 |
053/03 |
2003/04/01 |
The Village Of Crystal City Sewer Rates By-Law No. 2/2003 |
047/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of South Norfolk Local Urban District No. 1 (Rathwell) Interim Water Rates |
044/03 |
2003/03/17 |
The Rural Municipality Of Woodworth Local Urban District Of Kenton Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 3/2003 |
043/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of Dufferin Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
042/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of Edward Local Improvement District N0. 1 (Pierson) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
041/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality of Woodlands Local Improvement District No. 1 (Warren) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
040/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Town Of Treherne Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
039/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of Ritchot Local Improvement District No. 3 Of (Ile Des Chenes) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
038/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Town Of Rapid City Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
037/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Village Of St. Lazare Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
036/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of South Norfolk Local Urban District No. 1 (Rathwell) Water Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
035/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Town Of Grandview Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
034/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Village Of Crystal City Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
033/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The City Of Flin Flon Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
031/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Rural Municipality Of Tache Local Improvement District No. 1 (Lorette) Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
030/03 |
2003/03/11 |
The Town Of Leaf Rapids Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
029/03 |
2003/03/10 |
The Town Of Killarney Water And Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
014/03 |
2003/02/04 |
The Rural Municipality Of Whitemouth Local Improvement District No. 1 And 2 (Whitemouth) Sewer Utility Revenue Deficit 2002 |
004/03 |
2003/01/06 |
The Rural Municipality Of Archie Local Improvement District No. 1 (McAuley) Water And Sewer Rates By-Law No. 1500 |