Board # | Date (y/m/d) | Description |
169/08 | 2008/12/16 | RM of Montcalm - LID No. 1 (St. Jean Baptiste)-Revised Water and Sewer Rates and Recovery of 2007 Revenue Deficit |
168/08 | 2008/12/16 | Grey Regional Water and Sewer Utility – Revised Water Rates |
167/08 | 2008/12/16 | Connection and Surcharge Clause, Utility Service (Customers Outside of Village of St. Pierre-Jolys) |
166/08 | 2008/12/15 | RM of Whitemouth -Application to Merge (Seven Sisters Falls Water Co-Op Ltd., Whitemouth Water Co-Op Inc., Manitoba Hydro Townsite Water System and the Rural Municipality of Whitemouth Rural Water Line), and Water Rates |
164/08 | 2008/12/15 | RM of Montcalm (St. Joseph Utility) - Revised Water Rates and Recovery of 2007 Utility Operating Deficit |
163/08 | 2008/12/15 | Town of The Pas – Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
161/08 | 2008/12/03 | City of Selkirk - Water and Sewer Utility - Actual Revenue Deficit 2007 |
158/08 | 2008/12/02 | Town of Neepawa - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
151/08 | 2008/11/07 | Water and/or Sewer Utilities - Financial Reporting Requirements |
145/08 | 2008/10/23 | RM of West St. Paul - LID No. 5 (River's Edge Subdivision) - Interim Sewer Rates |
143/08 | 2008/10/20 | RM of Ochre River - LID No. 1 (Ochre River) - Sewer Utility - Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2008 |
136/08 | 2008/09/18 | RM of Argyle - LID No. 1 (Baldur) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
133/08 | 2008/09/11 | RM of Winchester - Water Rates |
132/08 | 2008/09/11 | RM of Whitewater - LID No.1 (Minto) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
131/08 | 2008/09/10 | The Village of Winnipegosis - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
129/08 | 2008/09/08 | The Town of Roblin - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
128/08 | 2008/09/04 | The Town of Minitonas - Water and Sewer Utility - Utility Operating Fund Deficits 2007 Actual and 2008 Budgeted |
127/08 | 2008/09/04 | The Public Utilities Board Act - General Order - Service Disconnections by Water and/or Sewer Utilities |
118/08 | 2008/07/31 | Town of Neepawa: With Respect to Proposed Water and Sewer Rates |
114/08 | 2008/07/25 | Rural Municipality of Victoria - Local Urban District of Cypress River |
113/08 | 2008/07/25 | RM of Shoal Lake - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Oakburn)- Revised Sewer Rates |
112/08 | 2008/07/25 | RM of Portage La Prairie - Revised Water Rates |
107/08 | 2008/07/16 | RM Of Mountain - Local Urban District Of Mafeking - Revised Water Rates |
106/08 | 2008/07/16 | RM Of Lansdowne - Initial Water And Sewer Rates |
105/08 | 2008/07/16 | RM of Argyle - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Baldur)- Revised Water And Sewer Rates |
103/08 | 2008/07/15 | The Town of Winnipeg Beach - Water and Sewer Rates |
100/08 | 2008/07/03 | The Town Of Gladstone - Water And Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
99/08 | 2008/07/03 | The City Of Dauphin - Water And Sewer Utility - Budgeted Revenue Deficit 2008 |
98/08 | 2008/07/03 | RM Of Whitewater - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Elgin) - Water And Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
97/08 | 2008/07/03 | RM Of Whitewater - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Minto) - Water And Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
94/08 | 2008/07/08 | RM of Harrison (Sandy Lake) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
92/08 | 2008/07/02 | Town of Lac du Bonnet - Water and Sewer Rates - Amendment to By-law 68-07 (Tanco Subdivision) |
87/08 | 2008/06/23 | RM of Victoria Beach - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Victoria Beach) - Revised Water Rates |
85/08 | 2008/06/20 | Rural Municipality of Lakeview - Local Improvement District of Langruth - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
84/08 | 2008/06/20 | Rural Municipality of North Norfolk - Local Urban District of Austin - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
83/08 | 2008/06/20 | Town of MacGregor - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
82/08 | 2008/06/18 | Pembina Valley Water Cooperative Inc. - Reconnection of Water Services to Roseau River First Nation |
79/08 | 2008/06/09 | Rural Municipality of Elton - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Forrest) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
78/08 | 2008/06/05 | The Town of Rapid City - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
74/08 | 2008/05/30 | Rural Municipality of West. St.Paul - Local Improvement District No. 2 (Riverdale) - Revised Sewer Rates |
73/08 | 2008/05/30 | Rural Municipality of West. St.Paul - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Rivercrest) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
72/08 | 2008/05/30 | Rural Municipality of West. St.Paul - Local Improvement District No. 3 (Lister Rapids) - Revised Sewer Rates |
71/08 | 2008/05/30 | Rural Municipality of West. St.Paul - Local Improvement District No. 4 (Rivergate) - Revised Sewer Rates |
70/08 | 2008/05/30 | The Town of Carberry - Revised Sewer Rates - By-law No. 3/2008 |
69/08 | 2008/05/22 | Rural Municipality of Hanover - Local Improvement District No. 2 (Kleefeld) - Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
68/08 | 2008/05/22 | The Town of Beausejour - Water and Sewer Utility - Anticipated Revenue Deficit 2008 |
66/08 | 2008/05/22 | Municipality of Killarney - Turtle Mountain – Water and Sewer Utility – Revenue Deficit 2007 |
65/08 | 2008/05/22 | The Town of Leaf Rapids - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
64/08 | 2008/05/22 | The Rural Municipality of Whitemouth - Rural Water Distribution System - Water Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
63/08 | 2008/05/26 | Rural Municipality of Victoria - Local Urban District of Cypress River - Utility Surcharge (Customers Served Outside Cypress River's Boundaries) |
62/08 | 2008/05/26 | City of Winkler - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
59/08 | 2008/05/14 | Town of Deloraine - Water and Sewer Rates - Application to Amend |
56/08 | 2008/05/09 | Village of St. Pierre-Jolys - Revised Sewer Rates |
48/08 | 2008/04/28 | Rural Municipality of LaBroquerie - Local Urban District of LaBroquerie - Initial Sewer Rates |
47/08 | 2008/04/21 | Rural Municipality of Edward - Local Urban District of Lyleton - Interim Revised Water Rates and 2007 Revenue Deficit |
44/08 | 2008/04/09 | Rural Municipality of Woodlands - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Warren) - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
43/08 | 2008/04/09 | Rural Municipality of Woodlands - Local Improvement District No. 3 (Woodlands) - Revised Sewer Rates |
41/08 | 2008/04/08 | Town of Niverville - Crow Wing Subdivision - Initial Water Rates |
36/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Strathcona - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Belmont) - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
35/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Victoria Beach) Water Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
34/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach - Local Improvement District of Albert Beach - Water Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
33/08 | 2008/03/28 | Town of Minnedosa - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Defict 2007 |
32/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Harrison - Local Improvement District No. 2 (Sandy Lake) - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
31/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Harrison - Local Improvement District No. 1 (Newdale) - Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
30/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of East St. Paul - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
29/08 | 2008/03/28 | Town of Manitou - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
28/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Westbourne - Local Urban District of Plumas - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
27/08 | 2008/03/28 | Village of St. Lazare - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Defict 2007 |
26/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Lorne - Local Improvement District No. 7 (Swan Lake) - Water and Sewer Utility -Revenue Deficit 2007 |
25/08 | 2008/03/28 | Rural Municipality of Macdonald - Water Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
24/08 | 2008/03/28 | Village of Wawanesa - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |
22/08 | 2008/03/20 | Town of Arborg - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
19/08 | 2008/03/11 | The Rural Municipality of Arthur - Revised Water Rates |
17/08 | 2008/03/07 |
The Rural Municipality of Harrison - Local Improvement District No. 2 (Sandy Lake) - Revised Water And Sewer Rates |
16/08 | 2008/03/07 | Town of Altona - Revised Water And Sewer Rates |
11/08 | 2008/02/13 | The Village of Winnipegosis - Water and Sewer Utility - Revenue Deficit 2007 |