About Efficiency Manitoba
Efficiency Manitoba is a standalone, non-share Crown corporation, dedicated to energy efficiency and conservation within the Province of Manitoba. The governance of Efficiency Manitoba is through the Efficiency Manitoba Board.
In June 2014, the Public Utilities Board's Needs for and Alternatives to panel recommend that "Manitoba Hydro be divested of Demand Side Management (DSM) responsibilities and the Government of Manitoba establish an independent arm's length entity to deliver government mandated DSM targets."
In accordance with the recommendation, The Efficiency Manitoba Act was created with a defined mandate for the Crown corporation as set out in the establishing legislation. Efficiency Manitoba' mandate includes:
achieving Electrical Energy net savings that are at least equal to 1.5 per cent of the consumption of electrical energy in the preceding year, for a cumulative total of 22 per cent reduction in the first 15-year period.
achieving Natural Gas net savings that are at least equal to 0.75 per cent of the consumption of natural gas in the preceding year, for the cumulative total of 11.25 per cent reduction in the first 15-year period.
implementing and supporting demand-side management initiatives to meet the savings targets and achieve any resulting reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba.
achieving additional reductions in the consumption of electrical energy or natural gas - including resulting reductions in the demand for electrical power - if the reductions can be achieved in a cost-effective manner
mitigating the impact of rate increases and delaying the point at which capital investments in major new generation and transmission projects will be required by Manitoba Hydro to serve the needs of Manitobans
having the options to expand efficiency initiatives to include portable water consumed in Manitoba and fossil fuel used in the transportation sector