Appeal a Disconnection, Review and Vary Board Orders, File a Complaint
Q: How do I contact the Board
A: The Board prefers email contact at Other contact information is located on this website, please see the contact us page.
Q: May I attend a hearing to just listen?
A: Yes. Hearings are open to the public and we encourage interested citizens to attend our hearings and, if they wish, become involved as presenters or interveners during the hearing process. You can also stream hearings that are located at the Public Utilities office 400-330 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB from the main page of our website at the link click here for the live streaming of PUB Hearings.
Q: What is a presenter and how do I register as a presenter?
A: A presenter is someone who wants to make a statement to the Board about the application being reviewed in a public hearing. Presenters may attend the hearing but are not required to participate in the same way as an intervener. Presenters should pre-register with the Board. They should notify the Board a minimum of 2 weeks before or at the start of the hearing of their intention to present. Presenters are encouraged to also provide electronic and written copies of their presentations.
Q: May I get information from the applicant?
A: Yes. The utility is required to provide parties to the hearing with a copy of its application, including any supporting information relevant to the hearing. Board staff may assist interveners in collecting relevant information from the applicant if needed.
Please also see our general Frequently Asked Questions Page