Private and Cooperatively Owned Utilities
Recognizing that many water cooperatives and privately owned utilities have very small customer bases and annual revenue requirements, the Public Utilities Board (Board) regulates these utilities on a “complaint based model” to constrain regulatory costs. This means that many of these utilities are able to introduce rate changes simply by notifying their customers and providing the Board with financial information in support of the rate changes. If the increase is significant or if a proposed rate increase results in many complaints, it may prompt the Board to review the proposed changes in greater detail.
Per Section 1.1(1) of The Public Utilities Board Act, Public Utilities Board Fees Regulation, the Annual Filing Fee for Cooperative and Privately Owned utilities is $100.00 for each utility.
The Annual Filing and accompanying fee must be submitted on or before June 30, of each year.
Late submissions or not filing the annual filings will result in the Utility being non-compliant with the Board, and could result in penalties.
Important Information