Board # | Date (y/m/d) | Description |
146/10 | 2010/12/31 | Rural Municipality of Rosser Rural Municipality of Rockwood Interim Lagoon Tipping Fees |
140/10 | 2010/12/23 | Rural Municipality of Whitemouth Water and Sewer Rates |
139/10 | 2010/12/23 | Interim Water and Sewer Rates The City of Thompson Effective January 1, 2011 |
136/10 | 2010/12/22 | City of Portage la Prairie Water and Sewer Rates |
135/10 | 2010/12/22 | Rural Municipality of Kelsey LUD of Cranberry Portage Utility Water and Sewer Rates |
133/10 | 2010/12/22 | Rural Municipality of South Norfolk Rathwell Water Utility Interim Water Rates |
132/10 | 2010/12/30 | Interim Water Rates Rural Municipality of Langford Effective January 1, 2011 |
131/10 | 2010/12/20 | Town of Morris – Water and Sewer Utility – Actual Deficit 2009 |
130/10 | 2010/12/20 | Town of Winnipeg Beach – Water and Sewer Utility – Actual Deficit 2009 |
129/10 | 2010/12/20 | Rural Municipality of Whitewater – Elgin Water and Sewer Utility – Actual Deficit 2009 |
128/10 | 2010/12/20 | City of Dauphin – Water and Sewer Utility – Actual Deficit 2009 |
127/10 | 2010/12/17 | City of Thompson, Manitoba – Application for Creation of a Water and Sewer Utility and Water and Sewer Rates |
124/10 | 2010/12/13 | Town of Hartney Interim Water and Sewer Rates |
117/10 | 2010/12/06 | Town of Beausejour - Interim Water and Sewer Rates |
116/10 | 2010/12/06 | RM of Dufferin - Dufferin Stephenfield Waterline Utility - Water Rate |
109/10 | 2010/11/1 | Town of Powerview – Pine Falls - Interim Water And Sewer Rates Effective January 1, 2011 |
102/10 | 2010/10/11 | Rural Municipality of East St. Paul - Revised Water Rates |
101/10 | 2010/10/07 | Rural Municipality of South Norfolk (Lavenham) Revised Water Rates |
100/10 | 2010/10/06 | Municipality of Killarney - Turtle Mountain - Water and Sewer Rates |
88/10 | 2010/08/17 | RM of Langford - Revised Water Rates |
87/10 | 2010/08/17 | Town of The Pas - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
86/10 | 2010/08/16 | RM of East St. Paul - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
84/10 | 2010/08/05 | RM of St. Andrews - Initial Sewer Rates |
83/10 | 2010/08/05 | Town of Leaf Rapids - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
79/10 | 2010/07/22 | Village of Elkhorn - Sewer Utility Revised Sewer Rates |
77/10 | 2010/07/20 | Town of Rossburn - Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
76/10 | 2010/07/20 | Rural Municipality of Birtle - Foxwarren Sewer Utility Revised Sewer Rates |
70/10 | 2010/07/06 | Town of Birtle Interim Water and Sewer Rates Effective Immediately |
68/10 | 2010/07/2 | RM of Killarney-Turtle Mountain - Revised Interim Water and Swer Rates |
63/10 | 2010/06/18 | RM of Gimli - Interim Water and Sewer Rates |
58/10 | 2010/05/14 | Town of Stonewall – Revised Interim Water and Sewer Rates |
53/10 | 2010/05/20 | Town of Snow Lake - Interim Water and Sewer Rates Effective Immediately |
50/10 | 2010/05/12 | Town of Manitou - Water and Sewer Utility - Budgeted Deficit 2010 |
49/10 | 2010/05/12 | Town of Niverville - Crow Wing Utility - Revised Water Rates |
43/10 | 2010/04/28 | Town of Boissevain - Water and Sewer Rates |
39/10 | 2010/04/26 | Town of Beausejour - Water and Sewer Utility Budgeted Deficit 2010 |
36/10 | 2010/04/12 | Town of Minnedosa - Interim Water and Sewer Rates |
35/10 | 2010/04/07 | RM of Gimli - Request for Intervener Status |
32/10 | 2010/03/31 | Pembina Valley Water Cooperative Inc. - Revised Water Rates |
29/10 | 2010/03/25 | Procedural Order - Rural Municipality of Gimli: Timetable for a Public Hearing (Application for Revised Water and Sewer Rates) and Approval of Intervener |
26/10 | 2010/03/11 | Rural Municipality of Rockwood - Rural Municipality of Rosser - Grosse Isle and Rural Regional Water System - Water and Sewer Rates |
25/10 | 2010/03/11 | Village of Winnipegosis - Confirmation of Revised Water and Sewer Rates |
15/10 | 2010/02/02 | Rural Municipaltiy of Wallace Water Utility Actual Deficit2008 |
7/10 | 2010/01/13 | Grand Pines (Review and Vary Application) |